So I have decided to write…

Dhiraj Gurung
1 min readJan 7, 2015


Every time I have so many things inside my head that I cannot control. Some of them are ideas, some of them are memories, some are dreams and some are just ‘I don’t know, what is that?’

Oh yes, things to do and also thoughts of those things to do which I could not remember when I needed.

While these many things are on my head, why I don’t just let it flow down from my brain through my arms, then my hands and down on my finger tips tapping on my keyboard? And that is what we call writing… or typing!

So let’s see what I will be typing… I mean writing in coming days.

I am passionate about many things. I love to take photos, which I do with my iPad these days. You can check out at my Instagram. Food loves me. People and culture fascinates me. And wherever I go and meet or see or hear anything interesting and that I love or not love, I tweet! Oh yes lately, I am obsessed with listening random tracks on Spotify.

Now what else should I write?

Hmmm… well let this be my first Medium post and I hope I can write on many things that really fascinates me and makes me to write. At times, I might write in नेपाली (Nepali) as that is the language I started speaking first.

Ok that’s all for now! DONE ☺

Wait! Don’t think this is my resolution for my 2015.



Dhiraj Gurung

You may say I’m a dreamer! Moreover I’m enthusiastic & interdependent public health advocate working to make healthcare equitable through collaboration!